Richard Gregory has presented striking illustrations (such as those shown in the photographs to the left) of how one might explain this illusion in terms of the depth- processing theory. Consider the two photographs as representations of the junction of several surfaces. The line, or shaft, with the normal arrowheads seems to represent a convex corner with the shaft appearing closer than the shorter lines that form its heads. The line with the reversed arrowheads seems to represent a concave corner, with the shaft appearing farther away than the shorter lines. Gregory argues that the illusion is based on a simple application of Emmert’s law: The nearer-appearing shaft should look smaller than the farther-appearing shaft. But nearer and farther than what? The theory requires that the shafts appear nearer and farther than each other, but Gregory’s argument implies only that one shaft appears to be nearer than its inducing components and that the other appears to be farther than its inducing components. Some students of perception, including myself, have thus concluded that this theory is not applicable to the Müller- Lyer illusion. An exception to this conclusion occurs when the two configurations are embedded in a scene in which each test line has a certain position in the third dimension relative to the other—–there they are nearer and farther than each other.